So, it’s Labor Day weekend. Is anyone else lamenting the fact that summer is more or less over? I know I am, but then I remind myself of all the good things on the horizon for indie authors in the coming months including Indie Author Day and I feel better. So, if you’re feeling a bit down about summer fading away, chin up, and maybe read this week’s selection of articles.
Nina Amir on How to Blog a Book
Make Your Blogging Time More Efficient by Batching Posts
“If you aren’t batching your blog post production, you soon will feel burned out and resentful. And you’ll always feel like there’s a blog post hanging over your head waiting to be written and produced…because there will be!”
Tim Grahl on Tim Grahl
What Do I Send to My Email List?
““Your #1 goal as an author should be to grow your email list as much as possible. Write that on a post-it. Recite it to yourself every morning. Tattoo it on your forehead. Do whatever it takes to make sure that developing your email list is the #1 goal of your platform strategy.””
K.S. Brooks on Indies Unlimited
Tips for a Successful Facebook Live! Broadcast
“Earlier this morning, Alan Parks told us why, as authors, we should be using Facebook Live!. Personally, I love the idea, so I decided to give it a try. During the process, I ran into some interesting challenges, but with the help of the IU minions, we had some successful experiments.”
Dorit Sasson on Funds for Writers
Top Ten Tips I Learned about Getting Book Endorsements
“Putting yourself out there as an author feels very scary especially when it comes to requesting endorsements. One of the hardest things I had to deal with when requesting endorsements or “blurbs” for my debut memoir Accidental Soldier: A Memoir of Service and Sacrifice in the Israel Defense Forces was that of rejection.”
Keith Dixon on Self-Publishing Review
Writing: How Helpful are Free Translation Services for Self-publishing Authors?
“I once translated a book from French into English. I charged a good rate, and it took almost a year. Would I have done it for free? Certainly not, but there are actually companies who do offer this service to authors who want to put their books in front of a wider international audience.”
Photo: Ken Lund