By Shelley Sturgeon
More great articles for your reading pleasure from some of the best blogs for self-publishers and writers on the web. Don’t miss out!
Chris Syme on Smart Marketing for Authors
It’s Time For Your Fall Platform Inventory
“This is a great time for a platform inventory and a review of your long-term marketing plan. Here’s a quick overview of the what to do.”
BlueInk Review on BookBaby Blog
Seven Keys To Crowdfunding On GoFundMe
“Crowdfunding has become a useful resource for independent authors. These keys to crowdfunding will help you on your way to success.”
Stephanie Chandler on Nonfiction Authors Association
How to Write a Press Release
“A press release should be brief—one or two pages max—yet include enough details that a reporter could write a short article based solely on the information provided.”
Anne-Catherine De Fombelle on Self Publishing Advice From The Alliance Of Independent Authors
How to Reach Forgotten Markets for Self-published Books
“Anne-Catherine de Fombelle, Chief Globalization Officer for self-publishing aggregator StreetLib, a valued ALLI Partner Member, probes the concept of “the forgotten markets” that can be reached by going wide.”
Natasha Onwuemezi on The Bookseller
Indies dominate PBS winter selections
“The Poetry Book Society’s Winter Selections have been dominated by independent publishers “for the first time ever”, while the “prestigious” Winter Choice has been awarded to Raymond Antrobus, published by Penned in the Margins.”
Other Links of Interest
Is it wise to self-publish a book before it’s perfect?
Writing Forums
Self published authors can be a New York Times Bestselling author