This Week in the Blogs, November 11 – 17, 2012

POSTED ON Nov 18, 2012

Joel Friedlander

Written by Joel Friedlander

Home > Blog > Marketing, Social Media > This Week in the Blogs, November 11 – 17, 2012

Well, the holidays are fast approaching and it’s almost time to start thinking about getting to the end of the year. But not before you fill up some time today with these meaty offerings. From overseas sales to blockbuster sales, from Facebook to seasonal marketing, and some ruminations on expertise thrown in. Have at it.

Lindsay Buroker (@GoblinWriter) on Lindsay Buroker
How Do You Improve Sales at Amazon UK, Apple Overseas Stores, and Other International eBook Sites?
“What did make a difference for me, especially with Amazon UK and the international Apple stores, was having a book permanently free on those sites.”

Mark McGuinness (@markmcguinness) on Copyblogger
How an Enterprising Author Sold a Million Self-Published Books
“CJ (Lyons) is an inspiring example of the emerging author-entrepreneur who is thriving in the new era of publishing. I’m delighted that she has agreed to share the lessons she’s learned with Copyblogger readers.”

Nathan Bransford (@nathanbransford) on Nathan Bransford
Facebook Pages vs. Profiles for Authors
“Should you have a public Facebook profile? Should you create a dedicated author page? Should you create a dedicated page for your books too? Should you throw up your hands until Mark Zuckerberg gives you some personal guidance?”

Sandra Beckwith on Build Book Buzz
6 ways to promote your book as a holiday gift
“Here are six ways to get your title included in gift round-up and other stories in the coming weeks. Your book might be in a different category or genre from those listed here, but you can use these suggestions as idea-starters for your own gift article campaign.”

Lin Robinson (@LintonRobinson) on Indies Unlimited
“It’s not without a certain sense of irony that I write a piece suggesting that the opposite can be a problem: that “experts” online are often worthy of being ignored because they are full of crap, or at least that their expertise in no way applies to the actual situation that contemporary writers face.”

Photo credit: Kelly Colgan Azar via photopin cc

Joel Friedlander

Written by
Joel Friedlander

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