This Week in the Blogs, May 4 – 11, 2018

POSTED ON May 13, 2018

Shelley Sturgeon

Written by Shelley Sturgeon

Home > Blog > Self-Publishing, Social Media > This Week in the Blogs, May 4 – 11, 2018

By Shelley Sturgeon

We like to help you to be in the know where self-publishing is concerned so check out this week’s selection of articles covering a variety of self-publishing related topics, and even a publishing controversy!

Melissa Bowersock on Indies Unlimited
Getting Reviews: Voracious Readers Only
“Voracious Readers Only is an interesting website with a tantalizing concept. The premise is that voracious readers (you know who you are) can sign up and choose genres they’re interested in.”

Kristen Lamb on Kristen Lamb
Cocky-Blocked: How to Nuke Your Brand From Orbit
“Call me cocky for even weighing in on this issue (at your own peril). But, seriously, folks. It’s rare to run across something so epically wrong AND foolish and…ironically, cocky. As an author branding expert, I’d be remiss NOT to say something about Cockygate (though I seriously hate having to).”

Judith Briles on The Book Shepherd
How to NOT Sabotage Your Author, Writer and Publishing Career
“Not a week goes by that I don’t get a variety of “How do I do it?” questions that pertain to either writing, publishing or book marketing. Whew. None are one sentence responses.”

Nathan Bransford on Nathan Bransford
Everything writers need to know about pitching their book
“Like it or not, pitching your book is one of the most important things you’ll do as an author.”

Ruth Ann Nordin on Self-Published Authors Helping Other Authors
Writers Shouldn’t Have to Fear the Future
“This post is inspired by a very unfortunate situation that has developed recently in the indie author community.”

Too Good To Miss

Lee Foster on Foster Travel Publishing
Writer Lee Foster Receives a Little Late Justice in a $2,935.66 Check
“A check for $2,935.66 appeared in my mailbox on April 30, 2018. The check was for a little late justice, about 20 years after the offense.”

Self-Publishing News You Can Use

By Amy Collins

Self-published Novel Set to Become Hulu Series

Self-Published author, Zoe Aarsen, gets Hulu Series offer. Originally self-published on Wattpad, LIGHT AS A FEATHER, STIFF AS A BOARD has just been greenlighted for a 10-episode season. Aarsen is not the only author to get tapped by Hulu this week. What makes this announcement so juicy is that her self-published novel was optioned the same week that Hulu also signed a Stephen King story.

Links of Interest

Hulu Orders Wattpad Adaptation From AwesomenessTV, Kelsey Grammer’s Grammnet


Shelley Sturgeon

Written by
Shelley Sturgeon

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