This Week in the Blogs, May 30 – June 5, 2010

POSTED ON Jun 6, 2010

Joel Friedlander

Written by Joel Friedlander

Home > Blog > Self-Publishing, Social Media > This Week in the Blogs, May 30 – June 5, 2010

Well, mea culpa. These first two links are from late last week, and I missed them somehow. No bother, they are just as good, if not quite as fresh, as they were last week, and I know you don’t want to miss them. We’ve got successful self-publishers, a master of social media addressing the needs of authors, Twitter tips, getting into the head of writers, and another warning bell about possible scammers. We’ve passed Memorial Day, and the stories out of BEA in New York last week promise a hot and eventful summer. Stay tuned, and enjoy.

Henry Baum on Self-Publishing Review
20 Successful Self-Publishers
“My theory – self-publishers have flooded the market, thereby making it more likely to land on a self-published book.”

Chris Brogan on Chris Brogan
An Author’s Plan for Social Media Efforts
“The author will always be the best advocate for his or her own work. Never put your marketing success in the hands of someone else.”

Penny Sansevieri on Huffington Post
The Real Secret to Twitter
“Many people hop onto Twitter thinking it’s a numbers game when it really isn’t. You can have a Twitter-tribe of millions and not gain the same kind of social media success that you would with only 1,000 followers.”

Victoria Mixon on A. Victoria Mixon, Editor
21 Things You Writers Know that Non-Writers Don’t
“What hilarious jokes those secondary characters are telling in the background during the pivotal bar scene.”

Victoria Strauss on Writer Beware Blog
Copyright Protection Service: Another One You Don’t Need
“for the average writer, infringement and piracy aren’t nearly as ubiquitous or as damaging as the alarmists and those who would like to profit from alarmism want you to believe.”

And For Something Completely Different . . .

The Amazing Fact Generator (Beta) on Mental Floss
The Amazing Fact Generator


Joel Friedlander

Written by
Joel Friedlander

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