I know a lot of people in the publishing world seem to be intimidated by the number of books that are being published these days. But I often think of all the books that haven’t been published yet, and it makes me really excited. If you’re publishing these days, you’ll want to check out this week’s articles, there’s something here that will help you reach that goal. Have fun.
Dean Fetzer on The Creative Penn
Publishing: Why You Should Care About Ebook vs Print Formatting
“Your printed book looks great on paper, but that’s because a lot of effort has gone into making it fit the page, not to mention all the other work that goes into setting a book out for the printed page. Not so with ebooks—if anything you want less control.”
Carol Tice on Live Write Thrive
How to Earn from Your Blog While You Write That Novel
“Besides finding the time to write your masterpiece, you need to be “platform building,” which usually takes the form of blogging to build an audience ahead of selling your book.”
Dean Wesley Smith on Dean Wesley Smith
Killing the Top Ten Sacred Cows of Indie Publishing: #1… Can’t Get Indie Books into Bookstores
“So this new series is an attempt to help the new world of indie publishing with the growing list of myths that plague it. And the biggest myth to hit indie writers (because traditional publishers repeat this over and over) is that indie writers can’t get their books into bookstores.”
Shari Stauch on Where Writers Win
7 Secrets of a Killer Blog Post (Infographic)
“Your blog can be an incredible asset in crafting your online presence and success. By using a consistent approach, establishing and maintaining your distinctive voice, and providing high-quality, useful content to your readers, you’ll be well on your way to making sure every post on your blog is a killer blog post.”
Laura Laing on Build Book Buzz
Social media data tracking for authors in 4 easy steps
“Sometimes social media can feel like a shot in the dark. Is anyone listening? Are status updates and tweets helping with book sales? Tracking your promotional statistics and book sales can help you uncover a brilliant social media plan—by determining what’s working and what’s not.”
Photo: bigstockphoto.com