This Week in the Blogs, June 3 – 9, 2017

POSTED ON Jun 11, 2017

Shelley Sturgeon

Written by Shelley Sturgeon

Home > Blog > Self-Publishing, Social Media > This Week in the Blogs, June 3 – 9, 2017

By Shelley Sturgeon

A lot of information here today for your reading pleasure! So, I’ll make this short and sweet. Pull up a chair (maybe one on a beach like in the picture?) and dive in!

Jay Artale on Self Publishing Advice Center
Beginners guide to Indie Author Jargon: Book Marketing Glossary Jay Artale
“In this Book Marketing Glossary, Jay Artale collaborated with ALLi members to find out what book marketing and promotion jargon or acronyms they didn’t know when they started out, which would have helped them demystify their indie author journey.”

Porter Anderson on Publishing Perspectives
Audio Publishers Association: Third Year of Strong US Audiobook Sales Growth
“In covering the BookExpo conference session “Consumer Centric Data: The New Currency of Publishing,” Publishing Perspectives referenced a coming report from the Audio Publishers Association (APA), which has been released today (June 7).”

David Gaughran on Let’s Get Digital
Amazon Has A Fake Book Problem
“Fake books – powered by clickfarms – are gatecrashing Amazon’s charts. And despite being aware of the issue for well over a year, Amazon has failed to resolve it.”

Holly Brady on Holly Brady
Bookbub Deconstructed
“Bookbub has a reputation for selling thousands of an ebook at a pop—and easily returning revenues that exceed what they charge for a book promotion. But the problem is they’re very selective in the titles they accept for a Featured Deal promotion—and both of my writers were initially rejected by them.”

Anne R. Allen on Anne R. Allen’s Blog… with Ruth Harris
Hiring an Editor: Who, When, Why, and How to Avoid Scams
“Newbies often aren’t clear about what editors do. When I worked as a freelance editor, I was amazed by the number of people who came to me with over-inflated ideas of what I could do for them.”

Too Good To Miss

Dan Blank on We Grow Media
Inside BookExpo: How Publishers Promote Books
“Today I want to showcase the variety of ways that publishers promote books within the publishing industry. I will share with you what I saw this week at BookExpo, a trade show held each year that is open only to those in the publishing industry. I want to make a big point here: publishers use a wide range of new and old fashioned ways to promote books.”

Self-Publishing News You Can Use

By Amy Collins

3rd Annual Dublin Writer’s Conference

The 3rd Annual Dublin Writer’s Conference takes place this year on the weekend of 23rd – 25th June.

If you can’t make it to Dublin there’s an amazing $17.99 online access option, for recordings and live sessions.

This year the conference theme is Unlock Your Potential.

  • Hollywood producer Ken Atchity
  • New York Times Best-selling author Heather Graham
  • ALLi founder Orna Ross
  • BooksGoSocial founder Laurence O’Bryan

will be joined by acclaimed authors, writing professors and publishing insiders to discuss topics like:

  • Critical Elements of Storytelling
  • Evolving Business of Publishing
  • Book Marketing Secrets

Links of Interest


Shelley Sturgeon

Written by
Shelley Sturgeon

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