By Shelley Sturgeon
A selection of interesting articles about self-publishing for you again this week.
Still time to submit your e-book cover for June’s e-Book Cover Design Awards. Submissions are accepted until June 30th.
Check back here again next week for our latest Self-Publishing: Carnival of the Indies blog carnival post.
Have a great week—and stay safe!
Mark Coker on Smashwords Blog
Post-Pandemic Publishing for Indie Authors
“In this post, I’ll brush off my imaginary crystal ball – usually reserved for my annual end-of-year predictions – and speculate on the impact COVID-19 will have on the post-pandemic publishing prospects for indie authors in the months and years ahead.”
Ed Cyzewski on Jane Friedman
How I Hosted a Socially Distanced Book Event
“It’s not ideal to release a book during a global pandemic with quarantines, social distancing, and limits on group gatherings.”
Dan Holloway on ALLi’s Self-Publishing Advice Center
Self-publishing News Special: Responses to Racism and Black Lives Matter
“I am delighted that ALLi suggested I run a news special this week in response to the killing of George Floyd and the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement. Because it matters. Because black lives matter; black indie voices matter.”
Derek Doepker on Build Book Buzz
5 reasons to turn your book into an audiobook
“Just about every indie author can benefit from having audiobooks. There are a few exceptions, of course, including cookbooks and technical manuals.”
Porter Anderson on Publishing Perspectives
‘From Author to Bookshop’: The IPA Takes Stock of the Coronavirus’ Impact
“The frequently described “patchwork” nature of the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic experience seems to become only more fragmented by the day.”
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