This Week in the Blogs, January 30 – February 5, 2011

POSTED ON Feb 6, 2011

Joel Friedlander

Written by Joel Friedlander

Home > Blog > Self-Publishing, Social Media > This Week in the Blogs, January 30 – February 5, 2011

The ebook market continues to expand, surpassing most expectations. A lot of posts this week focused on the ebook phenomenon, but there’s still time to ask for help, to gather your tools, and to learn new ways of measuring books. Put your feet up and enjoy.

Catherine Ryan Howard on Catherine, Caffeinated
E-Books: The Tipping Point?
“Ten months ago I uploaded Mousetrapped to Smashwords and what was then called Amazon’s Digital Text Platform almost as an afterthought. I was looking for something to do while I waited for my Createspace proof copy to arrive. Turns out it was the best afterthought I’ve ever had.”

David N. Alderman on Self-Publishing Review
Great Tools For Self-Published Authors
“Overall, I know most self-published/indie authors are on a tight budget anyway, making it difficult to outsource some of the different jobs one has to do, so these tools will definitely come in handy if you’re a do-it-yourselfer like me.”

Todd Satersten on Publishing Perspectives
From Pages Read to Minutes Spent: Rethinking How We Quantify Reading
“Digital formats make page counts irrelevant. Now the best way to quantify reading is through a unit of time.”

Sue Collier on Self-Publishing Resources
Ask for help—and sell more books!
“Folks generally enjoy being helpful. You’re much more likely to get people to accommodate you if they know what you want. When my colleague Marilyn Ross launched the first edition of Jump Start Your Book Sales, she created the following checklist; it was enclosed with every individual copy of Jump Start that was shipped out.”

Dean Wesley Smith on Dean Wesley Smith
The New World of Publishing: Cash Flow
“So many of the discussions about indie publishing vs traditional publishing don’t take into account a very important, and sometimes critical aspect of money for a freelance fiction writer. And that’s timing of the cash flow. In other words: How Much? And When?”

Blog Notes

On Friday I finally did something I’ve been wanting to do for months: an audio interview. Using Skype I recorded a half-hour interview with Joshua Tallent of Ebookarchitects about his take on ebooks and ebook conversions. We also talked about the future of ebooks and what best practices self-publishers can adapt for their books.

This is 32 minutes that’s packed with information, and I’ll be posting it next week, so watch for it.

I’ll also have the next installment in my “Book my Blog” process. Progress has been very fast and the book is coming together well. But I have to admit I’m not always following my own advice. I will come clean on where I’ve strayed later in the week.

Tomorrow there’s a guest post by the always-interesting Joanna Penn of The Creative Penn that’s part of her launch of her thriller, Pentecost. I know you won’t want to miss it.

Photo by Amanda M. Hatfield

Joel Friedlander

Written by
Joel Friedlander

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