The Sochi Winter Olympics started this week and I’m sure many of us will be spending time watching the exciting events as athletes from around the world compete. If you want to take a break from the television, why not check out these great articles from the past week. Lots of good stuff here to help you improve your writing, your author platform and more.
Betty Kelly Sargent on BookWorks
Six Great Blogs for Indie Authors
“All blogs are not created equal — especially when it comes to those about self-publishing. Many are written by authors who are primarily interested in selling their books, others by “experts” who want to sell their services, and then there are those that are so chock full of entertaining stories and down-to-earth, practical advice that you can’t afford to miss them, even if they also might happen to suggest you purchase their books or services.”
Kathy Ide on Live Write Thrive
10 Risks You Run if You Don’t Proofread Your Manuscript
“You may think that as long as you’ve got life-changing content in your nonfiction manuscript, or an intriguing story with lots of conflict and interesting characters in your fiction manuscript, that should be enough. And yes, content and story are extremely important. But no matter how good those things are, you’ll be running some pretty big risks if you don’t bother proofreading your manuscript carefully for typos, inaccuracies, and inconsistencies . . .”
Dan Blank on WeGrowMedia
Lessons From Redesigning My Website
“I recently redesigned my website, and wanted to share the process behind it and key things I have learned through running and designing multiple websites over the years. When I redesigned the site, I did most of the work in a single day, and threw out a professional website design that I spent thousands of dollars on.”
Debbie Young on Self-Publishing Advice
Reaching Readers with Author Newsletters
“What can an author newsletter do for you that you’re not already getting from Facebook, Twitter, Goodreads, Google+, your author website and blog?”
Anne Allen on Anne R. Allen’s Blog
Six More Pieces of Bad Advice for Writers to Ignore
“Some myths about the writing life have become so much part of our culture that “everybody knows” them. It’s hard to accept they’re not true. I’ve had a hard time unlearning some of them myself.”