By Shelley Sturgeon
Hope you’ve had a good week. More interesting articles here for you to read so settle into a comfy spot and start clicking on the links.
And, don’t forget that tomorrow is the last day that we will accept submissions to April’s issue of Self-Publishing: Carnival of the Indies blog carnival.
Nate Hoffelder on The Digital Reader
Thousands of eBooks Have Disappeared from – Were Your eBooks Hit Too?
“Numerous authors are reporting. both on Facebook and in private discussions, that their ebooks have disappeared from”
Jessica Kaye on Jane Friedman
5 Ways to Market Your Audiobook Without Ads
“Some authors and publishers seem to believe that by the simple act of making an audiobook available for purchase, there will be numerous purchases. Yet, as with all types of books, yours is merely one of many thousands published each year.”
Scott Semegran on Indie Reader
The Indie Writer Book Launch Guide
“The first part covers the wild and wonderful world of Book Reviews–from Pro Reviews in lit journals and via paid services to those written by book bloggers and posted on social media.”
RJ Crayton on Indies Unlimited
April Is NaPoWriMo (for the poets who didn’t know it and those who did)
“Much like its better-known cousin, NaNoWriMo, NaPoWriMo is a month devoted to poetry.”
Porter Anderson on Publishing Perspectives
Books Heard ‘Round the World: A New Survey of International Audiobook Markets
“Amid so many programs and events last week at the 56th Bologna Children’s Book Fair in Italy, a new first-time effort at sizing up the international audiobook marketplace was introduced during a session called “Listen Up.””