Another week is sliding under the bridge, and the fallout from the iPad launch continues. Read up on how to get your book onto the new platform, get a take on the year ahead, reap some wisdom from an author who lives on both sides of the street, and then learn from a self-publisher who’s paying attention. It’s good to go.
Mark Coker on Smashwords
Smashwords Ebooks – iPad Ebook Publishing Made Easy
“2,000+ ebooks from Smashwords authors and publishers appeared on the iPad yesterday. Very few people in the publishing industry understand the profound implications of this. It’s not just about the iPad – it’s about how any author, anywhere in the world, can go from a Microsoft Word document to worldwide ebook store distribution in a matter of seconds or days.”
Mick Rooney on POD, Self-Publishing and Independent Publishing
Publishing and Self-Publishing in 2010
“It is clear we are seeing the lines between publishing and self-publishing blurring, and the core model of the traditional business of publishing is changing, not because it wants to, but because it has to if it wants to survive.”
JA Konrath on A Newbie’s Guide to Publishing
Is Print a Subsidiary Right?
“And if one midlist author working on his own (perhaps JA Konrath) can earn more money on ebooks than he’s earning on the titles his publishers are controlling, isn’t it obvious that signing print deals isn’t the way to go?”
Kat M on Adele Journal
Before You Self Publish: 5 Vital Things To Do
“These five steps are exactly what I did with my first book, and I actually made money the first month. There is no reason you can’t do them, too.”
(Now a shameless, totally self-interested plug:)
Joel Friedlander on The World’s Strongest Librarian
Book Review: If You Want to Write by Brenda Ueland
“If you love the way that writing isn’t really about writing at all, but about finding the truth in your life, then you will love this book.”
And for Something a Little Different . . .
BBC News
Superpower: Visualizing the Internet
“Explore this interactive graphic to find out which are the biggest sites on the internet, as measured by the Nielsen company.” (by mousing over the display and clicking through to sub-displays-ed.)