November is the beginning of my third month blogging on publishing and self-publishing related topics. It’s been an interesting ride so far. I’ve met some great people and learned a lot about where our industry is (in flux) and read a lot of speculation about where it might be going.
When I began blogging on behalf of my company, Marin Bookworks, it was in response to the needs I kept seeing around me in people who wanted to get into print, wanted to use technology to enhance their publishing lives, but were confused about where to get reliable information.
Focusing on Self-Publishers
Along with news and opinion on the business of self-publishing, I started to develop ideas for information that would directly benefit self-publishers. Later this month my Book Construction Blueprint will be available as a free download, an authoritative source anyone creating books can use for guidance and answers to questions.
I decided to move the blog to a new domain, and as you can see from the header above, the blog is now, still brought to you by Marin Bookworks.
This new identity really fits better, and I feel like I just got a great new suit of clothes, and I’ve got a little strut in my step as I begin November and the holiday season with a new “home base.”
Moving Forward
Here are some of the things I plan to cover in the coming months:
- Launch of The Book Construction Blueprint as an ebook
- Completion of my series of biographical articles, the Publication Timeline
- First in a series of interviews with notable self-publishers
- Continuation of the series started in September, the Journey of a Book
- A new series of How-To articles specifically aimed at the needs of the print on demand digital printers
- Additional reviews of new books on self-publishing
One of the things I like most about this blog is the comments people leave, and the chance it gives me to interact. So if you read something you like, or don’t like, let me know in the comments. I’d love to hear what you have to say.
And thanks for reading.