Win a Kindle Fire, iPad Air, or one of 20 Other Prizes, Save 30% Too

POSTED ON Nov 1, 2013

Joel Friedlander

Written by Joel Friedlander

Home > Blog > Self-Publishing > Win a Kindle Fire, iPad Air, or one of 20 Other Prizes, Save 30% Too

Another November has rolled around, and that means it’s National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo).

NaNoWriMoEvery November, writers commit to creating a complete novel (or at least a first draft) and aim to produce 50,000 words in the process. That’s pretty scary in itself.

My job here is to help authors create better books. Who better to help than writers who rise to this kind of challenge?

I’m in awe of writers who can commit to NaNoWriMo, as well as writers who are Writing Nonfiction in November. And there are a lot of writers who just want to get caught up in the spirit.

Write Nonfiction in NovemberSo we decided to celebrate the guts, determination, and skill of all you writers by launching a giveway and sale on, where authors can get tools and services to help them publish or pitch their books.

Giveways All Month for Social Media Links

That’s why all month we’ll be giving away today’s best tablets and ereaders from Amazon, Apple, and Nook, and lots of gift cards that will put a smile on your face.

Just this first week alone, we’ll be giving away:

  • A Kindle Fire HDX
  • 2 Kindle Paperwhites
  • 4 $25 Starbucks gift cards

You see that picture at the top of this blog post? We’re going to give away every item in that photo by the time NaNoWriMo is done at the end of November.

How does it work? You’ll register at, then be asked to take an action in social media, like Tweeting or “liking” our Facebook page. It changes every week for each new giveaway.

Huge Discounts For Everyone Throughout November

But giving away an Apple iPad Air as well as all the other prizes isn’t enough. Even if you don’t want to enter the contest, you can take advantage of our NaNoWriMo Special Savings: 30% off all the templates in our store, and all our Premium Services too.

So writers: Whether you want to pitch your book, or publish it yourself, we’ve got a template that will save you time and frustration, making your job way easier.

To get the discount, just use coupon code NANO30 in the “Discount Code” box in your shopping cart, then click on “Update Cart.”

All the information you need to enter our giveways and have a chance at a Kindle Fire, an Apple iPad Air, or any of the other gifts is on a special page we’ve set up here: Book Design Templates NaNoWriMo Celebration

After all, someone is going to win them. Why not you? So head over to the site and get the details. The more often you participate, the more chances you have to win.

Go writers!

P.S. Here’s that link once more: Book Design Templates NaNoWriMo Celebration. Good luck.


Joel Friedlander

Written by
Joel Friedlander

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