I’m busy at work today getting ready for the launch that starts next week of A Self-Publisher’s Companion. Even though I’ve planned this as a “soft launch,” I’m still writing a slew of articles (check on Monday for an invitation I’m extending to all readers), getting ready for a few interviews, putting the finishing touches on press releases. Oh, and I’ve got a few book projects I’m working on for clients, too.
If you haven’t read it, I highly recommend Jane Friedman’s roundup of the 4 Key Categories of Self-Publishing. This is a terrific overview of what’s available to authors in self-publishing options as of today, right now.
Jane really excels at taking a step back and putting things into context. And because she works in traditional publishing, she has a unique take on the situation. As she says in the article, “The self-publishing landscape is changing rapidly.” Give it a look, and I’ll see you tomorrow.