Ebooks: What a Long Strange Trip by Jason Matthews details how ebooks have evolved since Amazon introduced the Kindle.
Jason Matthews
Video for Authors
Video for Authors by Jason Matthews suggests ways that authors can use video to reach out to their readers and why they should use video for building their platforms.
Thou Shalt Blog?
Thou Shalt Blog? by Jason Matthews details why authors should blog, and offers tips about blog post topics and how often to blog.
Book Apps with Authorly
Book Apps with Authorly by Jason Matthews reviews the available features, usability, cost and terms of use for the book app creation site Authorly.com.
Playtime with Amazon’s Search Engine and Selling Prompts
Playtime with Amazon’s Search Engine and Selling Prompts by Jason Matthews explains how employing keywords, individual words or short phrases that can be part of your title, subtitle, categories, and more can help readers find your book.
Why Ebook Authors Need to Embrace New Technologies
Embrace the Tech Authors Need to Succeed by Jason Matthews explores the functions and technologies writers can use in the creation of their ebooks including enhanced ebooks, interactivity, book clubs, multiple authors and events calendars.
How to Profit from Your Content by Thinking Outside the Book
How to Profit from Your Content by Thinking Outside the Book by Jason Matthews shows authors how to create content in many shorter forms