Author U Extravaganza 2013


Extravaganza Alert: Thursday Deep Dive
Dinner Workshop is 75% full.


Guy Kawasaki – Penny Sansevieri – Judith Briles – Joan Stewart – Daniel Hall – Dan Janal – Georgia McCabe – Exhibits – Author Shark Tank – And more, plus:


Blogging from the Ground Up

How to Build a Blog that Works
with Joel Friedlander –

Sure, everyone is telling authors—especially nonfiction authors—that they should be blogging. And it’s true. Blogging is the most amazing, democratic, inexpensive, and immediate marketing tool ever invented. It’s perfect for authors who want to make a name for themselves, grow a community of raving fans, gain access to leaders in your field, and create a platform that will support your work for years to come.

Yeah, we’ve all heard that, haven’t we? But you may still have a lot of questions:

• How does a newbie author get started?’
• How does blogging actually work?
• What are the steps required to get those results?
• How can you avoid the disappointment and sense of frustration when you pour your heart and soul into a blog, but you never get many readers and eventually quit, your blog left as an abandoned “ghost blog?”

In this workshop we’ll look at blogging from an author’s point of view. With the practical insight of a successful self-published author and blogger, Joel will show you

• which platforms to use for your blog;
• the kinds of content that draw readers like flies to honey;
• the single biggest mistake most authors make when they start blogging and why it dooms them to failure;
• how you can market your blog in as little as 20 minutes a day;
• the single most important—and most frequently overlooked—part of any blog post;
• how to create an endless flow of referrals, inquiries, and qualified leads.

In the second half of the workshop, we’ll look at topics that will get your blog up to speed and outpacing your competition:

• 3 secret ways to find out which blogs to target for networking and promotion;
• how to run a successful guest blogging campaign, and why you should;
• the “behind the scenes” partner top bloggers use to convert their traffic into cash;
• making your blog the center of a non-stop, content-driven, community and engagement machine that can enhance your authority, spread your ideas, and bring you new readers for years to come.

If you’ve dreamed of building a sustainable business from your writing, or if you want to steadily increase demand for your products or services, this is a workshop you don’t want to miss.

Blogging from the Group Up with Joel Friedlander is almost full. At this point, you cannot register for Joel’s session alone. You must be registered for Friday and/or Saturday, as well. Until March 15th, Joe’s session is included in the Friday-Saturday registration fee for the Extravaganza. Post the 15th, it will be an additional $75 for members and $125 for non-members until capacity is reached.


Joel Friedlander


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