Annual Get Published! Workshop Coming March 13

POSTED ON Feb 22, 2010

Joel Friedlander

Written by Joel Friedlander

Home > Blog > Marketing, Self-Publishing, Social Media > Annual Get Published! Workshop Coming March 13

iStock_000003099857If you’re thinking about publishing a book, or if you’re in the process of publishing your book, or even if you’ve already published a book and are now wondering “What the heck do I do now?” this will be of interest to you.

Every year the Bay Area Independent Publishers Association runs a full-day intensive workshop on independent publishing and book marketing. This is a unique opportunity for people in the San Francisco area. Here’s why:

  1. You’ve been studying, reading, asking questions. Here’s your opportunity to meet publishing professionals who are there specifically to answer your questions
  2. Vendors usually display at the Workshop, with valuable information and handouts
  3. Speakers address topics you’ve been wondering about, and are available for Q & A later
  4. You’ll mix with attendees who have a wide variety of experience. Your peers will be there, no matter where you are in the process

The Speaker Program in a Nutshell

This year’s workshop will have three speakers, and the subjects they will address tell you a lot about what independent publishers are thinking about these days. Here’s the rundown:

  • Danny O. Snow on “The e-Book Bandwagon: Myths, Realities and News You Can Use”
    Snow, a sernior research fellow of the Society for New Communications Research is going to shatter some myths about the state of e-book publishing. He’ll propose solutions to the frustrations facing authors and publishers in this field.
  • Scott James (aka Kemble Scott) on “Advice from the Front Lines of the Future of Books”
    The way books get to readers is changing, and changing quickly, and self-publishers wonder which path to take. James promises a frank and revealing discussion of the difficulties and rewards of these new formats and distribution methods, from someone who’s been there.
  • David Mathison on “Using Social Media to Build Your Brand to Sell More Books”
    How do you build a “personal brand” for a book? How do you use social media to build a base, sell books, and enhance your own personal brand? How do you enlist your fans to help spread your message. Mathison will address these questions and more.

To review: Two talks on e-Books, one on Social Media. Interested yet? There’s more.

Break Out the Breakouts

There will be “breakout” sessions in both the morning and afternoon of the workshop. Here are the offerings, although the exact schedule has not yet been set.

  • Marketing with PR pro Lin Lacombe
  • Book Design Basics with designers Paula Hendricks and Diana Young
  • Editing with editor Hilary Powers
  • Children’s Books with editor and author Margaret Speaker Yuan
  • Getting Book Reviews with author Sumant Pendharkar
  • Converting Your Book into an iPhone/iPad App with author Lee Foster

Wait, There’s More . . .

Still not convinced? This is also a great deal. In addition to all the speakers and breakout sessions, you’ll enjoy the beautiful grounds of Dominican University in San Rafael, and have lunch with other attendees in Dominican’s facilities.

If you reserve your place by March 1, you’ll also qualify for the reduced rate of $119 ($99 for BAIPA members). Put it off, and pay the price. After March 1, prices go to $149 ($129), so it pays to act now.

What you need is the link to BAIPA’s website, where you can do a quick Paypal registration and mark the date on your calendar. And here it is:

Click here to register for the BAIPA Get Published! Workshop

And if you come, don’t forget to drop by and say hello. I’ll have a table there (Okay, half a table) and look forward to meeting you if you can make it. I’ll be thinking up some great giveaways for anyone interested, so do stop in.

Takeaway: A one-day intensive can give your self-publishing career a real boost, and energize, educate and inspire you in what is often a solitary pursuit. Take advantage of these opportunities when you can.

Joel Friedlander

Written by
Joel Friedlander

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